Rut release

Five minute Friday on a Saturday again. This week's word: "release".

I spilled 3/4 of a bag of trail mix on Wednesday. 3/4 of a kilogram, tumbling down between my camp chair and little garden table onto the one spot on the lawn where I'd neglected to scoop up the remains of late spring rakings. It took ages to clean up one minute's worth of open-bag distraction - yet, the usual round of "clumsy me/wasted time" mental rambles kept getting interrupted. Rather than berating myself, my self kept admiring how pretty the m & m s were against the dead grass clippings and old snow dust. Such a bright rainbow of happy scattered across the bald spot on the back lawn.

Brain rut, interrupted. The inner nag silenced by beauty.

At the end of every Liturgy we pray: "release me from the slavery of my own reasonings". I've often wondered just how that would play out. I think I know one way now: my reasonings may be on autopilot to berate me, but beauty can intervene.

Joining, as always, with Lisa-Jo. Do follow the link to check out other belated (and prompt) Friday writers.


  1. I hate when that happens! It is just the sort of thing that would happen to me. And yet, you are right- it does look all cheery and colorful :D. It's all about perspective in life, isn't it? Stopping by from FMF. Linked up late this week. I am over at if you feel like visiting. <3 Rebekah

  2. Interesting take on release. We need to let our inner critique be silenced by beauty much more often than we do


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